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like! Youxingsha helps rural revitalization and spreads the fire of love with practical actions


On November 24, 2022, in order to help rural revitalization and assume corporate social responsibility, Ms. Zhao Juan, representative of the Youxingshark Party branch, and an inspection group led by Yang Haifeng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Caojing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, went to the ancient town of Zhenyuan , lovingly donated money, accompanied the research, participated in and witnessed this unique "Working Together to Revitalize the Rural Areas" activity.


The inspection team inspects the site

Rural revitalization is an important task of national strategy. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that implementing the rural revitalization strategy is the top priority of the country's work. In this regard, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have issued the No. 1 Central Document multiple times from 2017 to 2021, emphasizing the vigorous implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. In 2022, the results of the National Two Sessions Survey are released, and "rural revitalization" ranks eighth in terms of attention.


Pictures/Inspection Team Inspection Site

During the inspection, Youxingshark and the Shanghai Caojing Town inspection team visited the Nanjing Village "Red Revolution" base function improvement project in the ancient town, the Nanjing Village Ecological Tea Primary Manufacturing Institute project in the ancient town, and the comprehensive rural function improvement project in Hexi Village for investigation and research , on-site inspection of the Gucheng Village ginseng fruit planting base and Wogan planting base.

At the symposium and exchange meeting, you and the delegation listened to the basic situation of the ancient town and the report on the progress of "Working Together to Revitalize the Rural Areas", and had in-depth exchanges on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Later, the delegation and the delegation also went deep into the ancient town of Hexi Village to experience the hand-making of "Three-Pointed Corner" Baba, a national cultural specialty snack. They played the three-stringed string, jumped three times and stomped their feet with the local Hani people, and tasted Hani delicacies. The unique charm of the Hani culture in the ancient town.


Picture/onsite symposium

If the nation is to be rejuvenated, the countryside must be revitalized. In the future rural revitalization undertaking, the role of enterprises will be indispensable. As a private enterprise, Youxingshark has a social responsibility to give back to the society and help the poor. It is also an important part of Youxingshark's corporate culture. We hope that this "trickle" will contribute to rural revitalization and social development. Contribute a little bit!

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