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The sound of books is loud and clear, which is what dreams are about. In order to "prevent students from dropping out of school due to family financial difficulties", in September of the golden autumn, Ms. Fang Zhenying, the chairman of Youxingshark, together with the company's party branch secretary and league branch secretary, representing all members of the company, met with Zengfeng Village, Caojing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai The committee jointly held a charity event to realize their dreams of student aid and express gratitude to those who have done something. They visited 10 poor students in Zengfeng Village in pairs and delivered hot "study grants" to the students' homes.


Picture/Fang Zhenying, Chairman of Youxingshark, Secretary of the Party Branch and Secretary of the Youth League Branch

Funding poor students is an important project to protect people's livelihood and warm people's hearts. It expresses the concern of the party and the government for economically disadvantaged groups and also carries the dreams of many poor families and children.

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Picture/Parents of students receiving scholarships on their behalf

During the event, Ms. Fang Zhenying, the chairman of Youxingshark, visited the homes of needy students and sent scholarships to each family. During home visits, she had cordial conversations with the children, learned more about their learning status, and encouraged them to overcome difficulties, study hard, and repay their families, schools, and society with excellent results.

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Picture/Ms. Fang Zhenying, Chairman of Youxingshark, had a cordial conversation with students

"Supporting a poor student is to warm a family and change the fate of a poor student." Ms. Fang Zhenying, chairman of Youxingshark, said: "I hope that the sponsored students will not only feel the love from society, but also take this love into their own hands." Love will be passed on forever, allowing more people to share this love. At the same time, we hope that more caring people in society will pay attention to groups in need and help them grow healthily and robustly."