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That's great! Shark employees in Youxing will have a series of happy events in 2022!


2022 will be an unforgettable year for Youxing Sharks. We are very pleased that in the annual cycle of the company's high growth and breakthroughs, the life achievements of the employees who have worked hard and dedicated to it have been engraved. They have remained true to their original aspirations in the turbulent years, dedicated themselves silently in ordinary days, bravely climbed to the top when called upon by their mission, and were not afraid of hardship when called upon to do so. On the platform of Youxingshark, through their hard work and hard work, they have achieved happiness and perfection in their respective lives.

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Employees "find love" and form happy families.

2022 summary

2022 "I can do it with you"! I am honored to join the big family of Sharks this year, and I am also very happy to have established our small family with my lover. I believe that in the days to come, both our big and small families will be filled with blessings—— Mr. Li from Youxingshark Zhuhai Production Center

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Picture/Youxing Shark Mr. Li takes a photo with his lover

In 2022, I am very happy because of two choices: four years ago, I chose Youxingsha for work; four years later, I found love and chose her who was destined. I believe we will gain more happiness in the future - Mr. Wu, a sales elite from Youxing Shark

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Picture/Youxingshark Mr. Wu and his lover

June 1, 2022 is the date I was promoted to manager at Youxingshark, and it is also the date I received my marriage certificate. It is full of gains from growth - Mr. Hu, a sales elite from Youxingshark

A job notice and a marriage certificate! In 2022, on Youxingshark, I also changed from single to married! I hope to be able to complete more transformations with the company's company - Ms. Ying, Youxingshark Remuneration Committee

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Picture/Photo of Ms. Ying from Youxingshark and her lover

In 2022, I was fortunate enough to complete two important life events at Youxingshark. I received my marriage certificate on September 16 and gave birth to my child on December 10. I feel very happy - Ms. Zhang from the Finance Department of Youxing Shark

On the morning of January 13, 2022, the eleventh day of the twelfth lunar month, you took a group of brothers and drove 168 kilometers just to turn me from a cute little girl into your virtuous and virtuous wife. , the letter is written to the Hong Jian, so that the alliance of red leaves can be recorded clearly. May the two of us have time to look back and grow old together with deep affection - Ms. Chen from the Zhuhai Warehousing Department of Youxingshark

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Employees were awarded "Shanghai Hukou" and stepped onto a new level of life.

I sincerely thank the company, Mr. Fang and Mr. Gong, and all the leaders and colleagues for allowing me to successfully settle in Shanghai and become a new Shanghainese. I wish all colleagues to work together, grow together and create a better future on the platform of Youxingshark. Thank you - Mr. Fang, an employee of Youxingshark Technology R&D Center, likes to propose a "new house in Shanghai" and never wander again.

After nine years at Shark, I have settled down in Shanghai. It is the company that gave me the confidence to settle down in Shanghai. Only with this confidence can we act decisively. The house is not big, but it is of great significance - Youxing Shark Strategy Center

Employees like to say "big rush" and their days are getting better and better.

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I have been with Youxingshark for ten years. I got married, had children, settled in Shanghai, bought a car and a house. Many major life events have been successfully completed in Youxingshark. This is the place that changed my destiny, and it is also the platform I love. I wish myself better and better, and the company will grow stronger - Mr. Yu, a sales elite from Youxingshark

The employees received the "high gold content certificate" and the gold plating was successful.

Thanks to the company for providing learning opportunities. After five months of study time, I worked hard day and night, lived up to the company's cultivation, and successfully passed the "Chemical Automation Control Special Operations Operation Certificate" exam - Mr. Peng of Youxingshark Zhuhai Production Center

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Picture/Chemical Automation Control Special Operation Operation Certificate

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Employees are "happy to receive a tiger treasure" and their little days are full of joy.

On February 17, 2022, I wish I had a handsome little cutie. A family of three has three meals a day all year round. The company of my family is the happiest life - Miss Qin from Youxing Shark Customer Service Department

Hello, everyone, my name is Cheng Yike, you can call me Little Chengzi. My mother said that I love celebrating holidays. In order to celebrate Children's Day and Dragon Boat Festival, I came to this world anxiously on May 31st - Ms. Lu from Youxing Shark Customer Service Department

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Hello everyone, my name is Guo Baiyan, and my nickname is Haha. Because my sister’s name is Hee Hee, I am called Haha. I was born during the National Day. I should not worry about birthdays in the future. If you have the opportunity to come to our house, I will treat you to seafood - yes Mr. Guo, the sales elite of Xingshark

In the Year of the Tiger, I am happy to have a little Huniu named Shen An. I wish her good health and peace in her life. Time is passing by, and watching my daughter’s rapid growth reminds me to make progress and grow together in the new journey - Ms. Song from the Finance Department of Youxingshark

A cry, a lifelong bond, from the mother's baby to the baby's mother. Thank you for traveling through everything to keep my appointment. Let's grow together! Little Tiantian sends greetings to Shark’s brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts - Ms. Liu from Youxing Shark Logistics Department

In order to congratulate employees on their many happy events in 2022, Youxingshark specially sent them red envelopes and blessings at the company's annual meeting. The "family" sits around the table, chatting and laughing, which is lively and warm. Every day of hard work sparkles, and every unforgettable memory warms people's hearts. After going through ups and downs, we understand better that struggle is for a better life, and a better life is for struggle to add color. The days of fighting together are the most unforgettable, and the process of realizing dreams together is the happiest. In the new year, may we join hands and head towards a brighter future.