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It’s great to have you in my youth - Happy Anniversary to Youxingshark 3.26 employees!


In the hot and bustling time, youth is like fire, and when the wind blows, the weeds reach the sky... Yes, it is at such a beautiful age that we meet, get acquainted, and accompany each other in the world. Fighting passionately, rising to the sun together, and using the beautiful youthful time to weave a vibrant and powerful shark.

In order to express gratitude and give back to all the staff, Youxingshark organized happy trip activities to Shanghai Anji Yunshang Grassland and Zhuhai Dongao Island on the "March 26 Employee Memorial Day". The mighty team set off overnight, with bright clothes and angry horses, full of vigor and vitality. The troops were divided into two groups to embrace spring!


Early in the morning, the spring scenery on the Yunshang Grassland was perfect.
The pattering light rain stirs up the clouds and mist over the mountains. We are in the human world and also in the clouds.




In the beautiful clouds and mist, the shark-walking friends embarked on a thrilling and challenging journey - aerial cycling, cliff crossing, cloud swing, flying in the air, archery and grass skiing, bungee racing... Although The spring cold has not gone away, but everyone had a great time and had endless fun.



"Steaming Yunmeng Ze"

We have probably walked into the poetry of literati.



There are also groups of "Escapers" and "Backpackers" traveling over mountains and ridges, walking across the Rainbow Bridge and winding paths together. The Youxing Shark Team has also become a good scenery!



After a spring outing, the light rain stopped. Beautiful group photos are indispensable.
On one side is the mist wonderland of Anji Yunshang Grassland, and on the other side is the sea breeze of Dong'ao Island in Zhuhai. Even though the weather was gloomy, it still couldn't stop the warm atmosphere of the Youxingshark Zhuhai team.




At dinner time, the Youxing Shark team organized a barbecue team in an orderly manner. The team members took the initiative to assume the responsibility of "chefs" and spread the oil, salt and spices! Turn over the fragrant barbecue! Hot smoke rises! The whole family is surrounded by warmth, and the barbecue feast with all four colors and flavors is "very satisfying"!

